This is how you check whether there is a conflict of interest with an existing customer

4 Steps
2 minutes
Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest between an existing customer and a prospect can arise when a salesperson or organization has both an existing customer and a prospect and their interests conflict.

This could be the case, for example, when the salesperson in sales conversations with the prospect shares information that puts the existing customer at a disadvantage, such as pricing information or details about the products or services provided to the existing customer.

To prevent this type of “conflict of interest”, it is important to know, for example, whether a prospect director is also or has been a director of an existing customer.

Here's how to do it:


Check if there is one today is a relationship between 2 companies.


Check if there formerly was a connection.


Now see if your prospect's directors are also driver are (or have been) from an existing customer. Green lines point to a director's mandate.

Soms zijn personen als bestuurder vertegenwoordigd door een vennootschap. Deze onrechtstreekse vertegenwoordiging wordt aangeduid met een groene stippellijn.


Check that the one company stocks has in the other company. This is denoted by red lines.

Please note that only participations that are listed in the published financial statements are shown.