
Whether you prefer a simple or advanced search in openthebox, you are always assured of the most up-to-date and reliable business data.


Find companies and individuals with precision.

Complete company information, financial insights, and key figures are now within reach. Even if you can't search by name, you can quickly find what you need through the quick or advanced search function.

financial ratios
mandates & participations
social balance
illustration showing the search feature of the app


See the connections at a glance.

Quickly see which companies and individuals are connected to each other. In the Spiderweb, you will gain insights into companies with many connections and discover previously unseen opportunities.

connections between companies and entrepreneurs
relationships between entrepreneurs/companies
mandates & participations in a clear graph
Request a demo
illustration showing the cooperation between stakeholders


Volg bedrijven en personen op de voet

Volg bedrijven en personen en krijg meteen updates van belangrijke ontwikkelingen. Zo weet jij wanneer je die ene opportuniteit moet najagen en blijf je op de hoogte van activiteiten van partners en concurrenten.

Ontvang een update zodra een publicatie een bedrijf of een persoon vermeldt
Sla je zoekopdracht op en krijg notificaties bij nieuwe bedrijven of wijzigingen
Volg bedrijven of ondernemers
illustration showing search profiles

They already took a lead

Do you want to prepare optimally for a new collaboration or always be able to keep your finger on the pulse? Take a lead with the reliable data from openthebox.