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For growing businesses and professionals
All amounts are exclusive of VAT
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Unlimited number of searches
Full history
Prospect list based on > 100 parameters
12.000 exports per year
Unlock the full power of Openthebox
Price available on request
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All benefits of the ‘Professional’ plan
Search in publications and for auditors
Advanced financial filters
24.000 exports per year
For businesses with specific needs
Price available on request
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Multiple users
Data enrichment via API
Data enrichment via data files
Higher export volumes
Number of users
Number of searches
Data about companies or individuals
Company insights
People insights
Company financial health indicator
Directors and shareholders
Companies at same address
Financial data
Connections between 2 companies or people
Building prospect lists
Filter by financial parameters
Filter by locations
Filter by activities
Filter by company type
Filter by branches & ancillary activities
Search for auditors
Tracking companies and individuals
Follow companies
Follow people
Create custom groups
Save searches
Receive notifications from companies
Receive notifications from people
Searching in publications
Search in Official Journal publications
Support type
API integration
Data files
1 user
Unlimited (fair use)
All relationships, including historical
Full history
Full history + export to Excel
Up to 12,000 per year
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Multiple users
Unlimited (fair use)
All relationships, including historical
Full history
Full history + export to Excel
Up to 24,000 per year
Account manager
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Multiple users
Via webhooks
Via webhooks
Account manager

Frequently asked questions

Which payment methods do you offer?

The following cards are supported:

I don't use any of the supported cards, can I also pay by bank transfer?

If you prefer to pay by bank transfer (overschrijving/virement) that's possible as well. In that case you may send an email to and provide your name, address and optionally the VAT number of your company. We will provide you a payment invitation and as soon as the payment has arrived your subscription will be activated. Note that this payment option is only offered for yearly subscriptions.

I want to subscribe as a business, will I get a valid VAT invoice for my payments?

Yes, if you have opted for a Business account then you have to provide a valid VAT number. In that case you will receive an automatically generated VAT invoice by email after each succesful payment.

Is it secure to leave my payment details on your site?

Yes it is, for the simple reason that your payment details never reach our site. They go straight from your browser to, a well known payment processor used by millions of websites in 120 countries worldwide.

Why do you need my payment details if I only want to use the free trial?

We only need them to make sure that the same person will not subscribe multiple times for the free trial, using multiple accounts.

What's this 'Founding Member' discount all about?

It's a thank you to all our loyal visitors who have been using our site before it was commercialized and have been telling about it to their colleagues and friends. They are rewarded with a 'Founding member' badge on their account that gives them a lifetime 10% reduction on the Professional subscription.

I'm just a casual user, can't I just keep using your site for free?

Yes you can and please don't hesitate to do so! A professional user is considered someone who uses the site often and typically gets paid for his or her work. For casual users the site will remain free. If the site mistakenly takes you for a professional user while you're not please let us know.

What do you mean by 'fair use'?

The 'fair use' policy that applies to the Professional plan simply means that this subscription is meant for human consumption, not for high frequency or batch mode automated processing. Please consider the Enterprise plan for this use case. If the system detects automated processing for a Professional account the subscription will be automatically canceled without any refunds and the account will be blocked.

Can I share the Professional plan between multiple users?

The Professional plan is only valid for one user. If multiple persons in your organization need a Professional plan each of them should subscribe individually to the Professional plan.Contact us if you prefer to aggregate the invoicing and payments of the individual users and for volume discounts.

We need a specific subset of your data, is that possible?

Yes that's possible, please get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

We would like to use the platform in addition to our own data, is that possible?

Yes that's possible, please get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

Didn't find an answer to your question?

We’re always here for you! Please feel free to send us a message. Our team is ready to help you.

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