Feature update: Real Activities

Find companies based on what they actually do, not just NACE codes

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What are Real Activities?

The activities that companies list on their own website. We've scraped, processed and converted hundreds of thousands of them into data points that you can use in our Advanced Search feature.

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This way, you can go further than just the NACE codes, because they usually don't cover the whole story. Create better lists, get a better picture of your Total Addressable Market, or find more companies that suit you Ideal Customer Profile.

How does it work?

There are two ways to search based on Real Activities: Keywords of Activities.

What is an activity?

Search companies based on their real activities, as described on their website. For example, “family business in agriculture”. Our language model will then search for all possible matching search results, based on the accuracy score you choose.

What is a keyword?

For each company, our language model defines approximately two to three keywords (e.g. “drones”). If we don't detect your keyword, we won't show the company in search results.

Who can make use of Real Activities?

Real activities are only available to Professional and Premium users.

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This is some text inside of a div block.
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Replace this with your bullet point
Replace this with your bullet point
Replace this with your bullet point
Replace this with your bullet point
Replace this with your bullet point
Replace this with your bullet point
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